The CCHS Karate Club was honored to have such a decorated black belt such as Sensei Mike DiPietro instruct last night. Sensei DiPietro is currently a 6th degree black belt in Kyokushin Karate and brought over 28 years of experience and knowledge with him to our class.

Sensei DiPietro shared some of his special conditioning exercises to help strengthen the body in preparation for kumite. Some students have already acknowleged some soreness and fatigue from such a great workout last night. Sensei DiPietro's class marked the last class of the year at CCHS.
Some students have been invited by Hanshi Larry Giordano to train at the Methuen Karate Association and I hope they take him up on this offer. Training at the Methuen Dojo is a priviledge that everyone should take part in.

The next event will be our annual Beach Training/Family Outing scuedled for this Sunday June 6th. Last year's event was fantastic...I believe we had 8 students train at Salisbury Beach last June, so I'm hoping to at least double it this year! A new and excited part of this year's Beach Training session will be handing out Varsity/JV letters to club members who have earned them. The step from club status to a varsity sport has improved the development of my students and increased the intensity of their training.
I'm so proud of all of the CCHS Karate students and how much they've put into improving themselves over the past 2 years!