I am proud to announce that four CCHS Karate club members successfully tested for the rank of Hachi-Kyu. Congratulations to Trae Musumarra, Jeff Duchesne, Jessie Alfonso, Junellie Leon, Lauren Krugh, Lesa Tran, Cally Konomi, Michelle Lagrange, Renee LeRette and Brian Silvey on their promotion! This is an exciting event at our dojo and these students earned their new blue belts through working with great spirit during a grueling exam. This is just the first step for these karateka...hopefully everyone in our dojo will see that hard work pays off in every aspect of life.

More of our students will be eligible for promotion in April. Tentatively we have one student looking to test for her Shi-Kyu (green belt) during a green and brown belt promotion that will be held at the Methuen Karate Association (CCHS Karate's parent dojo). We also have several students looking to test for Hachi-kyu and Roku-kyu (yellow belt) in the upcoming months. Good luck to all of them! I can't say enough about how proud I am of all of my students and the hard work they put into their training on a daily basis! We have the kyokushin spirit at CCHS Karate!